Teeth Whitening
in Fremont and Pleasanton

Whiten your teeth with Dr. Sablan
Dr. Sablan offers at home teeth whitening, which is highly effective at removing stains and giving you a noticeably whiter smile in a short period of time.
At-home whitening with Nite White
For your teeth to realize their whitest potential, Dr. Sablan provides you with customized home bleaching trays using Nite White whitening gel. She takes impressions of your teeth to make the trays, in which bleaching gel is placed. These trays are thin and comfortable and fit precisely over your teeth.

Results are often seen after one night. Optimum natural whiteness usually occurs when the process is continued for a week to 10 days. Dr. Sablan will go over with you what you can expect for your individual situation.
At-home whitening prescribed by Dr. Sablan is a much more effective and comfortable alternative to over-the-counter solutions.
Schedule an Appointment
If you need to schedule an appointment, please call our office at 510-252-0555 (Fremont Office) and we will be happy to help you. You can also schedule an appointment online by clicking here.
New Patient Special $100 Exam and X-rays

We would like to welcome you to our practice with this special offer – a full oral exam including x-rays for only $100 – a savings of over $100. This offer is available for new patients only.
To take advantage of this offer, call 510-252-0555 (Fremont Office) or (Pleasanton Office) or click here to request an appointment online.