in Fremont and Pleasanton

Invisalign consultation

Dr. Sablan showing a patient how Invisalign works. Dr. Sablan offers a free consultation to see if you are a candidate for invisalign treatment.

Expert Invisalign treatment with Dr. Sablan

Dr. Sablan is very trained and experienced in delivering Invisalign treatment, a clear alternative to traditional braces. She is certified in orthodontics and has completed many orthodontic cases. Having a thorough understanding of orthodontics enables Dr. Sablan to accurately plan your Invisalign treatment.

Dr. Sablan offers affordable Invisalign treatment starting at a low monthly rate of $199/month, and free teeth whitening is included!

What are the benefits of Invisalign?

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign treatment consists of a series of invisible medical-grade polymer (plastic) aligners that you switch out about every two weeks. Dr. Sablan customizes the Invisalign system for your teeth and each aligner is individually manufactured with exact calculations to gradually shift your teeth into place over time.

The aligners can be worn during your routine day-to-day activities without interfering with your lifestyle or your appearance. Check out the benefits below:

Invisalign treatment doesn’t require the routine maintenance and checkups that come with having regular braces.

Free Invisalign Consultation

Come in for a no-charge consultation with Dr. Sablan to see if Invisalign can work for you. She will examine your teeth and bite and answer any questions you have. As well as seeing if you are a candidate for Invisalign treatment, Dr. Sablan will givey ou an estimate on how long the treatment will take.

To take advantage of this offer, please call our office at 510-252-0555 (Fremont Office) or (Pleasanton Office) and we will be happy to help you. You can also schedule an appointment online by clicking here.

Will Invisalign work for me?

The Invisalign System is an alternative to braces for patients who have all of their adult teeth in and complete jaw growth. It is effective on a broad range of cases and Dr. Sablan can determine if you are a good candidate during an initial exam.

Before and After

after invisalign
before invisalign

The gap on this patient's smile was closed using Invisalign treatment.


The spacing was repaired on this patients' lower teeth with Invisalign treatment.


This patient repaired crowding with invisalign treatment.


The gaps on this patient's uppers and lowers were closed using Invisalign treatment.

No-Charge Invisalign Consultation

Get a personal consultation with Dr. Sablan to find out if you are a candidate for Invisalign teeth straightening. Get all your questions answered!

To get started please call our office at 510-252-0555 (Fremont Office) or (Pleasanton Office). To request an appointment online click here.

Limited Time Invisalign Offer


Special financing is now available on Invisalign, starting at just $199 per month. Includes FREE teeth whitening.

To take advantage of this offer, call 510-252-0555 (Fremont Office) or (Pleasanton Office) or click here to request an appointment online.